Celestia Luna Online - Private Server (New Server)


Celestialuna adalah salah satu Private Server internasional. Celestialuna menyediakan Experience Rate 100x, Money Rate 100x & Drop Rate..


Untuk registrasinya cukup mudah, http://celestialuna.com/register dan anda sudah bisa memainkan game ini,

Untuk download link nya, silahkan pilih dibawah ini  : 

Celestia Luna - Alpha Setup v1.1 (338 MB)

Untuk bermain disini, disarankan menggunakan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa komunikasi, karena sebagian pemain CelestiaLuna adalah orang luar negeri dari berbagai macam negara.

Parampaa Land - An Crazy Quiz


Parampaa Land

Parampaa Land yaitu game / quiz yang dibuat oleh Bisri Mustova / masova .
Game ini memang terlihat mudah, tetapi game ini sangat membuat stress yang bermain, karena jawabannya yang kebanyakan tidak masuk akal. Tetapi apabila kita sudah... menjawabnya, pasti akan senyum sendiri sioalnya memang jawabannya yang mudah

Berikut Gamenya bisa dibuka di : 

Coming Soon
Quiz Parampaa
Quiz Parampaa 2 Beta

Coba untuk bermain jujur tanpa melihat jawaban ya :)

[GUIDE] New -The Fiery Concert- Guitar mode!


Once again, pardon me for any bad translations.*This guide is translated from ClubAudition Korea*

★ New Music Mode! The Fiery Concert!!! ★

Finally, a new mode which allows you to play instruments in Audition!
With the name of~ The Fiery Concert!!!

This interesting new mode brings out more fun.
It gives you a pleasure to play instruments.

1. Preparation in playing this mode

1-1) Mode controller description

This dedicated controller provides support for this mode.

* For more details on this dedicated controller, please view the bulletin.

* Before running the game, make sure that the controller is connected to the computer in order for the controller to work properly in the game.

1-2) Other items Description

Now after hand and wings accessories, there's even instruments in addition to what there currently is. Your avatar can now put a guitar on.
These instruments will suit this mode in your avatar's hand nicely.

- Note: Upon having an instrument, your accessories will not be worn.

Special features of this item!

When playing in game, the instrument changes the User Interface(graphics).

One more thing!,

With these instruments, you can acquire Additional DENS for every game.

2. To play the mode

Create a new room, and make sure that "Other Mode" is selected.

Selection of music.

The difficulties of this mode are as follows:

Easy - For Novice players. Activates only 3 lines from the left side. (or 3 lines from the right side for keyboards). 8 keys mode only on FLAME OUT phase.

Normal - Normal difficulty. Activates all 4 lines. 8 keys only on FLAME OUT phase.

Hard - A difficult difficulty for those who are able to play well.

Crazy - For those who are able to play this mode extremely well!

* The level of difficulty for every song is not fixed, some may be harder than another.
In other words, some songs in Easy and Normal difficulty may be difficult.

* We recommend Dancing Queen - Easy, and You are the sunshine of my life - Easy for a start.

3. Playing the mode

Basically, when there's a note appearing, for example the first note from the left, you have to hold the first button, and then when it reaches the bottom, strike it [Shift key for keyboards] to obtain a judgement.

3-1) Controller controls

1. Guitar instrument
2. 4 keys game play buttons
3. 8 keys game play buttons
4. ENTER button
5. F5-F8 Macro buttons
6-1. Striking part
6-2. Tuner?
7. Flame out! button

3-2) Keyboard controls

Z, X, C, V buttons - 4 keys game play.
M, <, >, ? buttons - 8 keys game play.
Shift button - Striking part
Up button - Horizontal lines
(aka swinging up of guitar)
Delete button - Flame out! button
Ctrl/Spacebar - Pressed with Shift button on icons with an extra arrow.

3-3) Notes Description

At intervals, the swing line will appear.
(Press the ↑ button for horizontal lines to swing the guitar)

Successful in swinging the guitar will give you more points and spark(aka combo).

3-4) FlameOUT!!!

FlameOUT!!! Fever is a segment of the game

To activate, press the delete button in game.

FlameOUT can be used when the gauge(left and right sparks) reaches at least 50% of the gauge.
(* Max state will allow you to retain the FlameOUT for two times more than when using 50% only)

When FlameOUT is used, extra bonus points proportionate to the current number of Spark[combo] will be given.
In this segment, even if you miss, Spark[combo] will not reset to 0.

However, all the notes will be converted into red notes(8 keys). Fast switching of sides (from Z,X,C,V keys to M,<,>,? keys) are needed!

After a certain period of time, the notes will start blinking which indicates that 8 keys are switching back to 4 keys notes.
Therefore, you will need to gauge the timing in which you have to switch back to 4 keys!

3-5) Extra points!!!

When you achieve the notes that are in between swings, the number of success notes will determine the Bonus DENS.

In addition, if you succeed having above 1,000 Spark, you will receive an additional bonus of 1,000 DENS!

For users using the game(guitar) controller, the number of bonus will be proportionate to the number of people playing in the room.

Up to 100% bonus experience points can be earned.
(For every person other than your own, you will receive an additional 20% bonus experience points)

Users using the Guitar Controller, it can be seen be others

This is the end of the guide for the new mode!
Have fun!~ ^^

Tentang Mode Guitar Master di Ayodance

Pada postingan sebelumnya yang berada disini saya sudah memberikan sedikit ulasan tentang mode The Fiery Concert atau Guitar Master. Di forum megaxus sudah ada penjelasan resmi dari Admin, bahwa mode tersebut bisa dimainkan menggunakan gitar listrik mainan yang dibuat secara khusus oleh T3 (Publisher Audition Online). Untuk Gambarnya bisa mengklik

Berikut Gambarnya : 

Penggunaan Controlernya sebagai berikut :

Harganya Berkisar antara 50.000 won / Rp. 400.000,-
Memang sangat mahal, tetapi semoga saja megaxus menurunkan harga gitar tersebut

Sementara ini, alagkah baiknya kita bermain mode Guitar Master menggunakan keyboard seperti berikut :

Memang konyol, tetapi bermain memakai keyboard pun sudah mengasyikan ^^

Spesifikasi Komputer Gamers 3-5 JT


Kemarin cari-cari di kaskus, terus konsultasi dan dapet spesifikasi yang lumayan (Hanya CPU), spesifikasi dibawah bisa kamu campur adukan sesuai kebutuhan, Enjoy !
[Artikel ini boleh di-Copy asal menyertakan alamat blog saya]

Total : + 3.500.000

Spesifikasi 1

Processor AMD Athlon II X2 240 570rb
Motherboard Biostar TA785G3 730rb
RAM 1GB DDR3 V-Gen 260rb
HDD WD Scorpio Blue 320 GB SATA 400rb
DVD Liteon 24x DVD-RW 240rb
PSU acbel 420w 340rb
VGA Digital Alliance HD 4650 512Mb DDR3 490rb
Case 120rb Power Up.

Spesifikasi 2
Processor AMD Athlon II X2 240 (571rb)
Motherboard Biostar TA785G3 (745rb)
HDD WD Caviar Blue 160 GB SATA (498rb)
RAM V-Gen 2GB DDR3 PC 10600 (498rb)
VGA HIS HD 4650 512mb 128bit ddr3 (583rb)
DVD Liteon DVD-RW (242rb)
Case Power Up (tanpa PSU) (110rb)
PSU Speedpower 400W (334rb)

Eye-B Pod, Gerakkan Mouse Pakai Mata

Adalah salah satu produk / proyek BUATAN INDONESIA yang sangat membanggakan. Cara kerjanya yaitu hanya memerlukan sebuah Webcam saja, dan tentu saja dengan software yang bernama Eye-B Pod.

Program ini dibuat oleh alumni Bina Nusantara, dan diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat membantu orang orang yang tidak mampu / cacat  untuk tetap dapat mengakses informasi lewat komputer

walaupun masih dalam tahap pembuatan, diharapkan software ini bisa menjadi salah satu software yang bisa membanggakan Indonesia, dan sebelumnya Eye-B Pod merupakan salah satu karya yang masuk nominasi Indonesia ICT Award 2009 pada 5 Juli lalu.


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